War against Spain

The Third and Final
War for Cuban Independence
from Spain

by Jerry A. Sierra

After careful planning by José Martí and a series of events that seemed to conspire against the Cuban rebels, the war of independence began on February 1895.

This was the 3rd effort by the Cubans to free themselves from centuries of Spanish domination, reuniting many of the loved heroes of the Ten Year War: Antonio Maceo, Maximo Gómez, Flor Crombet, Calixto Garcia and others.

The war for Cuban independence featured some of the most moving and dramatic moments in Cuban history; the death of Martí at Dos Rios, the western invasion and the military campaigns of Gómez and Maceo (the fox and the lion), the death of Maceo in December 1896, U.S. intervention in 1898 and the rising of the American flag over Havana after the Spanish flag was lowered on December 10 1898. >>>


1. Before The War | 2. The War Begins |
3. U.S. Intervention | 4. After The War |

Frederick Fusnton, American Insurrecto | Funston meets Gómez
The Spanish-Filipino-American War
An excerpt from Mark Twain's "To The Person Sitting In Darkness"
"Cuba Libre" A Poem by Ernest H. Crosby | References

Letter from General Gómez to Estrada Palma | Official proclamations issued on July 1 and November 6 in 1895 |

The Platt Amendment | The Teller Amendment | General Máximo Gómez speaks to the troops - 11/30/1895 | U.S. Occupation of Cuba - An excerpt from Cuba: A Country Study | The USS Maine Goes to Havana


On the nature of the revolution
By Ada Ferrer

An excerpt from: "Liberty - The Story of Cuba," by Horatio S. Rubens. Chapter 1 tells the author's experience during a Key West tobacco workers strike in 1893, just before the start of the 2nd War of Independence.

José Martí | Antonio Maceo | The Ten Year War

An excerpt from the introduction to: "SLAVES, SUGAR, & COLONIAL SOCIETY: TRAVEL ACCOUNTS OF CUBA, 1801-1899," by Louis A. Pérez, Jr.

Return to Timetable - 1895

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