Front Door to Cuba

Race in Cuba - A Bibliography

Our Cuban Colony: A Study in Sugar (American Imperialism: Viewpoints of United States Foreign Policy, 1898-1941)

Leland Hamilton Jenks | Vanguard Press, New York

Our Rightful Share: The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality, 1886-1912

Aline Helg |

Cuba: A New History

Richard Gott | Yale University Press

Cuba or the Pursuit of Freedom

Hugh Thomas | Da Capo

The Cuban Situation and Our Treaty Relations

Robin Wright | The Brookings Institution, 1931

Cuba: Between Reform and Revolution (Latin American Histories)

Louis A. Pérez, Jr. | Oxford University Press

Cuban Census, 1919

Rural Cuba.

Lowry Nelson | Octagon Books, New York, 1970

The Sugar Mill The Socioeconomic Complex of Sugar in Cuba

Manuel Moreno Fraginals | Monthly Review Press

Jose Marti Reader: Writings on the Americas

José Martí | Ocean Press

Sugar and society in the Caribbean: An economic history of Cuban agriculture (Caribbean series)

Ramiro Guerra y Sánchez | Yale University Press, 1964

Afro-Cuban Voices: On Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba (Contemporary Cuba Series)

Edited by Pedro Pérez Sarduy and Jean Stubbs | University Press of Florida

History of Slavery in Cuba 1511-1868

Hubert H. S. Aimes | G.P. Putnam's Sons, NY & London, 1907

The Island of Cuba

Alexander Humboldt (1856) | Negro University Press

Journal Articles on Race

Race in Cuba
Opening | Introduction | End of Slavery | Race Fear | After the War | SUGAR | Race War | Race War Timeline | José Miguel Gómez | Morúa Delgado | Fernando Ortíz | Julián Valdés Sierra | Oriente Province | Martí on Race | Bibliography - Bibliography

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